How To Sell A Car FREE On eBay With No FeesTips & Tricks Ford Ranger

Diposting oleh Unknown | 22.14

so they're here her vehicle hardware look we're doing pretty well
37 we are learning more correct than ever you're never the right through the
big one and
yeah he did a lot of great credit near you put new tires
governor governor I get about four months ago
were 100 bucks apiece 100 bucks a piece that's an expensive
tyrosine rear go ahead its picture
how many miles does it have the 96,000 miles that's not bad
rush right here she is going to rush through when I bought it they would like
real quick here it's probably pretty common and these old things I like
got the bed liner in there so that %ah
protection stuff a little bit hollow while ago very know I've been
for all but the more beer in her debut
ok you know that that both that that big member
I am out the heavy load don't have the loan but think getting
worked hard to get where we did great it no one in terrific
might be so you thinking about three million
yeah but you get a new truck or newer truck are you gonna get a full size are
you can stay with the small one small
okay that 3500 that they had
that be so that newly United again the freighter
an order that would hold anymore carl Maria Zuber picked up the have the body
pic from my
picture Winfield clean up a little bit military timber another trucker solid
probably with you
me how much how we put up money being free what happened here we can do that
Yahoo will show you how to do it do it that way do it now
you know when you trade in a vehicle I think they play around with the prices
to make it look like they're giving you more for
truck and then to raise freighter other one for you never really know
right for like some outright works out but move over here
computer I'll show you a couple ways do it got me into it hi
our jack hamann to show you how to lift the car on ebay now
I'll there's two ways to do it one way there's a fee that you paid two hundred
twenty-five dollars when you listed
there's another way it's free I'll take to the tree
I'm gonna show you the freeway okay right now there is one
caveat when you list that the freeway it does go on the road Bay
I'll however it's only visible the people there
are within 200 miles from here months ago
you if you pay the 125 bucks goes across the whole world in every vacancy it but
for car that's
really gonna be used and driven and not
not a collector car honestly 200 miles is probably where buyers in a culture
anyway you know now I'm not gonna sell your truck yet cuz I know you know I ray
but I'll show ya go
66 Thunderbird and I'm I've been wanting the lists only go ahead and
mister now to go to motors now debate acecomm
and then click here on classified ads and then
click appearances post your free
here okay asked me what category that i won
sell my vehicle number look for for sale
and then we'll look for cars or automobiles
worries right here cars & vehicles
we're gonna put it in the classic cars and
the night 66 or
member and
he I'm are we want to get
six thousand bucks for I ever have done my description here soon
elected pasted
k'nex to let you but update
photos and all the photos are free as well well so this is kinda cool you here
Leah for for free you get your economy
arm one thing I noticed about leaving loners
they're not trying to gouge to the sellers like
regular e-bay yeah it's like the bastards stepchild
you be in a then she had a pretty fair policy
you know the even a really made the charger I mean higher
full full-blown auction it there 125 dollar feel of a car
but they don't charge any commission after just behind 25 bucks
if it does I'll that's fair that's not bad you know compared to other
10 percent at the judge in and everything else did
too many pictures dreams
most secure to do in one picture
who picked you now anybody's interested in this car
located right here in Chesterton Indiana om
266 Thunderbird and its only had a
to owners it had original owner and head the owners brother
when he died and now garofalo miles on it runs and drives real good
it's a classic look and the only piece for
these Armani the end yeah I know
he said II right
12 3 for say
record of great
so go ahead with so pictures room for dinner
store phone number sir
yen or
delivered 6,000
my picture army and is there an array
and click below
no on every page on Facebook or Twitter click here
Brock just eighty now like you said
the limitations limitations in this are
it only goes two hundred miles from musicals I put in just urgent or 630
for only people in the Chicagoland area around 200 miles
yeah can see a om nothing is to the area
yeah I mean for karla someone's gonna probably pick up this cars actually
classic car show it might be better to put on
will only be by Tom you know we can try it here first if we sell its great who
value Ohio to Chicago
yeah yeah we know are your truck when reagan put your truck
yes definitely be BG save her 25 bucks
against keeping them with white by Tom
yeah so that's one limitation the other limitation is you can't put it in our
chin format where people been on it yeah
you just put it in as a classified within the newspaper
me any questions on it here
doesn't question the price is right alright serve anybody wants a 66
Thunderbird or
if any way you want jack's was at 97%
yeah debtor II wanna keep them a picture he
I'll come on maybe maybe if price is right so may make an offer for Jax job
owned by celebrity have you or something yell
truck at a certain level each part 1 like it does is really nice to get
together and have a good
are using this all God I still do
all right jack thanks a lot man CEO anything
yeah W the Marinette I it to me
guarantee it uses yes net they're all dead
the really like that than ever

Selling a car in california How To Sell A Car FREE On eBay With No FeesTips & Tricks Ford Ranger By Selling a car in california Selling a car in california Published: 2014-10-03T22:14:00-07:00 By Selling a car in california: How To Sell A Car FREE On eBay With No FeesTips & Tricks Ford Ranger Selling a car in california Published: 2014-10-03T22:14:00-07:00 How To Sell A Car FREE On eBay With No FeesTips & Tricks Ford Ranger 5 99909 reviewer
Title : How To Sell A Car FREE On eBay With No FeesTips & Tricks Ford Ranger
Description : so they're here her vehicle hardware look we're doing pretty well 37 we are learning more correct than ever you're never the rig...
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