Tips How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else
here's a video to show how to correctly list your vehicle
or any I don't for that matter on Craigslist
I see so many at center just poorly put together
people sitting on cars for weeks or even months
or other items I've seen items real estate over over
simply because the person hasn't listed incorrectly
they haven't put in and that information they haven't
I'll taken quality photos
they were able to list large photos
possibly because they don't know how answers for the clue video
I'm so probably I don't know 25 to 30 vehicles in the past five years
on Craigslist I I'll buy them and I'll fix them up
I'll Drive on for you know a couple weeks or couple it's a little cell
I'll and I just wanted to pass along what I've
gained for experience doing this
and I hope leave help a few people that no
are struggling with that or you know this if they want to optimize it a
little better

excuse me was at a little cold cell
my saddle easily here we go I
weekly this okay
firstly you have to do is create an account with
Craigslist it's pretty simple he got my account here
on at the disco through the steps I would highly recommend getting
a dedicated email just for Craigslist
I'll to Gmail Yahoo or Hotmail whatever it may be
you can get in for free and it's just an extra security steps
I hate to say it but now ID's chris is shady place and I was outside of LA
and I rarely meet someone at my house
unless it's a vehicle or something larger something has to be tested
for electron device has to be plugged in I just
just things are not like they used to be even a few years ago
well so two things i would tell you to do is to get an email address
21 others free a email providers
and also actually I would
actually recommend gmail because through Gmail you can also get a %uh
Google Voice phone number where it will be connected to yourself harder
we'll get the text through that phone number it won't be here
year direct order see actually you can get texts online
through Google Voice you can test the battle at united to use your number
so all they're gonna see is this Google Voice number

be a different area code or whatever ok but thats I just started doing that and
it's great so that we nobody has my phone number it's just
I don't know it is I just don't like that I don't know what it is
little more cautious now a days the anyways
those are the two things get a gmail email address
get a Google Voice number okay next redistrict listed
are what we're gonna do
look for sale you choose your Road
cars and trucks player okay obvious is gonna work for anything yourself
furniture or laptop computer whatever
this is just I saw a lot of vehicles and I see a lot of vehicles that are
just poorly presented and don't get sold
her so what we're going to do is
you read the title you know whatever you call your cell
first mission period dearly loved
in the description describe it as well as you can
I mean the use a little
you can look up you know Craigslist HTML use paragraphs
use bold on its gonna
it's going to make it easier to read it people who read to
encourage people read the entire out as well I get that done this emails I came
to tell you
the most recent thing I saw I forget what it was but
the guy text me at 3:30 in the morning
I literally texted badly do use common sense here you can be
texting me at 3:30 in the morning is that make sense to anybody
I'll so put it there no text messages I don't like text messages but now that I
have Google Voice

I can live with it just a at
twenty-minute text composition could have been done in a minute
on the phone you know so I typically don't accept text messages are larger
items no you read your description
read it well read all that meat that's that's been done
%uh ray a you know
what money you put into it the condition up the exterior the interior
I'll get your vehicle detailed
it's like a 100 to 150 bucks it's a thousand other vehicle you may not want
to consider in his will or should free tickets for us but
if there's anything more than that that sells I'm telling you I've
every vehicle are so I had it professionally detailed on
yet probably do it myself but time i's
it's worth you drop by drop it off its really right around the corner
they have it for 4-5 hours a whole day thing so it's a lot of work
they do a great job and it's I just I was paying 150 a family place it's
comparable that does it for 100

I mean to her box and then you know your sauna
like this when I saw over 6500 a few years ago it's worth it
I'm you'll see the photos how much better it looks
that's really what's going so your vehicle's how well looks
so you know how large photos are that's gonna be a next step
how to post large photos are yeah
we're gonna wanna do is sign up with
Photobucket II he may I don't know %uh Flickr were sitting in those
I really like for about the boys used it it's always been solid have never had a
problem with it
you can't lock your here photos of summer click something they can access
your account
up and their it's very easy to use I mean you
click here to upload to you slipping from your computer
are and that's pretty much it
when you want to post them
we had to do this you discover over the photo click on the era when using the
HTML code
I'm ING would be exited reform
I'll if you wanna show saloons directly to
to click on that you use this one and if you email or I am somebody you use this

for for the time being reason HTML from Craigslist
know it uses he simply paced in community that
for you know your photos and I
can't reiterate this enough photos
will sell your vehicle up I mean
if it nothing else it people do not read your description
they're gonna see the photos and they're going to do exactly
if they're you know if they register now
so take good photos
also if you don't have a decent camera or somebody else's camera
its I mean it sells it
it you know it's I I had a DSLR
and it works all these photos here take my DSLR
I ended up selling it is because I hate lugging that thing around I gotta
compact point shoot that
takes good photos you don't have the best
you know if you don't have one you can get one for 150 to 200 bucks that will
still take these

decent photos %uh so so do that
take take good quality photos that's gonna really so you're right
another thing is use keywords
okay you use I similar years
the vehicle you sell so you know similar years to this BMW
would be you know mid to late 90's
up to you know 2000 to 2003
tony is every every date
and and key word in the book i've seen so that's where it's
you know literally 2000 different words that's insane but
girl use vehicles that are similar so when someone searches for that vehicle
I'll they're gonna find it I
actually saw another BMW like a year year and a half ago
and I was actually looking for Mercedes he came upon mine
and he was blown away could use it was pretty much exactly what I was looking
for but he had no idea BMW sold it
you know the five fwy a lot stuff so you soaked so that's gonna get you a lot
more audience

a lot larger audience I should say home
so let's who we have here okay
to leslie has to look like you can also in photobucket
you can't how know exactly where it is I have to find it
on I think it's with your account you can change the size the photos
you upload with well
typically I think mines at like you have here by six hundred have
if I'm selling a car don't get top dollar on go to 1024 by 768
it's gonna be a large photo I'll
probably have to hear in here it's worth it though
people can the let me put it this way the better photos you take
the larger photos you show the less tire kickers you gonna get
because you're going to get tactic is your gonna get people
testing US is the vehicle still available you gonna text back yesterday
never gonna hear from began its insane that's for one reason that's
one reason I don't you I don't like text messages because you get that done his

if you're serious about this cargo call okay someone that's not very serious
most likely is it in a text
unless they're at work for this summer that they can't call they're excited
they wanna
get a hold of the right to I'll take as long and as you can see this
I took really good for us this vehicle I got top dollar for this car
I bought it preachy I was planning on keeping it actually a lot I kept it for
probably six months
ended up selling it for quite a bit more than I bought it for a bit
the photos are gonna sell the
the vehicle I'll closer to sell your furniture that follows a
no not necessarily mean your computer but they're gonna help people wanna see
what they're buying

I mean people are visual so keep that in mind
on that's pretty much it like I i mean
you don't need to make it very complicated just
describe your items as well as you can take good photos
and you know you gonna get many
are very few tacklers include your phone number but include
the Google Voice phone number is when I highly recommend it I just don't like
having my real phone number out there not easily he said
that's pretty much it if you have any questions or comments or anything let me
know I'd be happy to help you
at take your good looks on
How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos

Selling a car in california How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos By Selling a car in california Selling a car in california Published: 2014-09-22T11:07:00-07:00 By Selling a car in california: How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos Selling a car in california Published: 2014-09-22T11:07:00-07:00 How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos 5 99909 reviewer
Title : How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos
Description : Tips How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else here's a video to show how to correct...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
123 Main St, California, 36.778261 -119.4179324 CA. Phone: 206-555-1234 What is the latitude and longitude of the Selling a car in california? Answer:
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