How to sell your car | CA California

Diposting oleh Unknown | 02.49 How to sell your car
There are 3 options to sell your car: trade it in, sell it on AutoScout24 or put it up for auction.
Trading a car in is easy, but you'll get less than selling it yourself on AutoScout24.
Selling your car on AutoScout24
When selling your car, make sure it looks good.
It sells better when you fix small damages.
It'll support your story of a perfectly maintained car, because a small damage will seem weird.
If the MOT expires soon, have it renewed. That will make it easier to sell as well.
Describe the car in your ad as good as possible.

Start with make, model, edition. Add the model year of that's relevant information.
Some features make your car more special, such as leather upholstery in compact cars.
You can put that in the title as well.
Be honest. Describe small damages and disadvantages of the car.
Offer elaborate info. List all features like heated seats, a sunroof,
and things that are hard to spot.

Pictures are very important. That's why I asked car photographer Casper Heij to explain.
Taking good pictures of second-hand cars
There are some things to keep in mind when taking pictures.
I borrowed a nice example. I'll give you some basic tips for taking pictures of your car.
First, use a camera you know. I'm using a professional one, but you may not have one.
You can also use your smartphone or compact camera.
It doesn't really matter which camera you use, as long as the pictures are right.
If you use a smartphone, make sure you keep it steady.

It's agile and small. A compact has that problem less so, but it's still there.
Don't make the pictures perfect. Don't use Photoshop to make a poster.
People want to see honest pictures of the car.
The location is very important. Make sure you have a quiet background.
We've tried that here as well.
If there's a lot of things in the background, like a police car,
the attention will be drawn there. You don't want that.
Make sure the pictures are honest. If the car is damaged, say so in the ad
and show it in a picture. That'll prevent whining when people come look at the car
and want to pay 500 euros less because it's damaged.
When you've told them about it beforehand, they'll know the price includes the damage
and is not open to negotiation.

Make sure the car is clean. Take some cleaning products with you.
After you've washed it, dried it, and arrive at your location, a bird will shit on the car.
If you have the time, choose a day with some clouds, so there won't be too much sun on the car.
That may cause unwanted reflections. Slightly cloudy, pretty light.
I'll show you how I usually take pictures of a car.
First, take a lot of pictures of the second-hand car.
At least 10, that's the absolute minimum. Show the car from all angles.
Take your distance if possible. Zooming in will negate the wide-angle effect of the lens.
If there's things that make your car special, take a detail shot.
The red calipers on this Porsche 911, for example.

If you want a quiet background, you may have to turn it around
because you may be looking at a nice field while there are cars parked behind you.
If you take a picture of the rear of the car, you'll have all that junk in the background.
If you take pictures of the interior, get as much shade in there as possible.
Take pictures of all features and buttons so people can see what you have described in the ad.
If you say it has A/C, take a good picture of the A/C control unit on the dashboard.
That goes for everything in and on the car.
Finally, there are some things you really shouldn't do.
First, no distracting backgrounds.
Don't do this, with all these cars in the background.
Second, don't put the car half in the shade, because it looks very weird.
Third, don't put your car on the grass.

Selling your car on a BCA car auction
Selling your car on a BCA car auction is very simple.
The proces starts with an online valuation request.
First, you need to find your car on AutoScout24.
Copy paste the link of the ad in the first field of the form.
Give your contact information, license plate number and list damages if applicable.
Within 24 hours you'll get a free evaluation of your car and a guaranteed offer.
If you accept that offer, the offline proces starts.
For the sale you'll get your car to BCA in Barneveld.
BCA checks the papers, gets the keys, and does a test drive.
The test drive is done on their own testing grounds,
but they will also do a technical inspection on the car lift.
If they spot defects, they may change the offer.

If you accept the offer, the car will change owners and your car is sold.
The car will be put up on auction, but you (as a customer) won't have the be there.
We wanted to show you anyway, because it's fun to see how it works.
Hopefully you've learned how to put your car up for sale, and that you can auction it.
How you deal with people checking out your car, we'll explain in another video.
Thanks to Porsche Centrum Gelderland
Subs - Maru How to sell your car

Selling a car in california How to sell your car | CA California By Selling a car in california Selling a car in california Published: 2014-09-26T02:49:00-07:00 By Selling a car in california: How to sell your car | CA California Selling a car in california Published: 2014-09-26T02:49:00-07:00 How to sell your car | CA California 5 99909 reviewer
Title : How to sell your car | CA California
Description : How to sell your car There are 3 options to sell your car: trade it in, sell it on AutoScout24 or put...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
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