Tips How To Sell a Car Online : how to sell a car online thinking of selling your car on the Internet
make sure you don't get taken for a ride you will need
a camera a fair price an appealing
add a website on which to post it and safety precautions
step 1: get your car washed and then take a good picture of it with a
pleasant background
shooting from the front bumper at an angle provides the best view
step 2 look at your car's value on WWW dot Kelley Blue Book dot com
and price it accordingly that's what many potential buyers were used to
determine if your advertised price is fair
step 3: riding at that includes the make model
year engine type: my which in price if the car is in excellent condition
and/or gets great gas mileage say sup but don't lie to potential buyers
it will just waste your time and there's buzz phrases that indicate a well cared
for cars include one owner
and maintenance records available step 4:
decide where to place the ad choose high-traffic are selling sites like
admin stock com
cars direct dot com and a base car section
step 5: take an extra precautionary step
and weed out con artist who's addresses and phone numbers can't be verified
check the phone book and online directories red flags include the claim
that they are representing someone
overseas a lack of interest in seeing your card
and 24 odd sounding pay proposals step 6:
meet potential buyers at a public place for test drives
always go with them and never get out of your car unless you have the keys in
your hands
step 7 seal the deal by pointing out
any and all pluses step 8 wait until you're paid in full to transfer title
love your cart
if you receive a check call the buyer's bank and ask whether there are enough
funds to cover it
then wait for it to clear remember just because you've deposited a check into
your account
does not mean that the funds have been transferred did you know
cars advertised with photocell three times faster
Description : Tips How To Sell a Car Online : how to sell a car online thinking of selling your car on the Internet make sure you don't get taken for ...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
well you looking to upscale downscale put India a little extra cash
getting the most money when selling your car is a must this bill will show you
how to do just that
step 1: prepare the views on your car privately
will put exchanging at a dealership and present your car is critical to getting
the best price
so you need to give it a thorough going over change the oil
check the tires make sure there are no chips or cracks in the windscreen
get any niggling little problem seemed to buy professional
it may seem odd to spend money on a car you're selling we can help you secure a
higher selling price
make sure you give everything a good clean Japanese bits and bobs
& Noble I could never do that before he's a fabric refresher
and clean the windows up give it a good wash
and getting all the nooks and crannies extra special attention to the likes
skirts bumpers and door panels
polish up the wheels maybe even give it a good blacks once it's clean
replace any bits and bobs and gone missing over the years and to gotten
organize all the paperwork including a full service history
you'll need the cars mobile com service history
the MOT details the registration number
and attacks this step 2 pick up Bryce
enright mad be realistic but don't send it to love
peaking at a value by specialist or do some thorough research on other
similar cars that are also on sale the Internet provides the ideal environment
to look at cars just like yours in private classified and deliver adverts
going slightly higher than you accept and prepared to be haggled down
no one expects to pay the asking price for a car in your advert
really work on selling the car write a nice crisp bullet pointed list
and avoid waffle meaningless phrases stick to the cold hard facts
where possible user photo it'll really help
and take a good one step 3:
Ewing's when someone comes around to view be friendly
approachable and honest take them out for a test drive if they saw that on
their own insurance is this
as to see a copy alternatively you can call your own insurers
and stick them on your policy for the day when it comes to money
ideally you should take cash up but if that isn't practical
take a bank transfer banker's draft or check
but make sure the firm's a clear before you let them have the car and make sure
you get as many details in the by as possible
ID address telephone number so that if anything does go wrong
you can track them down right to receipts
13 chief you detail in the transfer and both signed each copy
step full once it's sold you should let the DVLA know you no longer on the
by signing and returning the relevant section above the 5
you don't wanna get the blame for anything the new owner gets up to only
sell when you're ready
and at the right price for you How To Sell Your Car
Description : up well you looking to upscale downscale put India a little extra cash getting the most money when selling your car is a must this bill will...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
so they're here her vehicle hardware look we're doing pretty well
37 we are learning more correct than ever you're never the right through the
big one and
yeah he did a lot of great credit near you put new tires
governor governor I get about four months ago
were 100 bucks apiece 100 bucks a piece that's an expensive
tyrosine rear go ahead its picture
how many miles does it have the 96,000 miles that's not bad
rush right here she is going to rush through when I bought it they would like
real quick here it's probably pretty common and these old things I like
got the bed liner in there so that %ah
protection stuff a little bit hollow while ago very know I've been
for all but the more beer in her debut
ok you know that that both that that big member
I am out the heavy load don't have the loan but think getting
worked hard to get where we did great it no one in terrific
might be so you thinking about three million
yeah but you get a new truck or newer truck are you gonna get a full size are
you can stay with the small one small
okay that 3500 that they had
that be so that newly United again the freighter
an order that would hold anymore carl Maria Zuber picked up the have the body
pic from my
picture Winfield clean up a little bit military timber another trucker solid
probably with you
me how much how we put up money being free what happened here we can do that
Yahoo will show you how to do it do it that way do it now
you know when you trade in a vehicle I think they play around with the prices
to make it look like they're giving you more for
truck and then to raise freighter other one for you never really know
right for like some outright works out but move over here
computer I'll show you a couple ways do it got me into it hi
our jack hamann to show you how to lift the car on ebay now
I'll there's two ways to do it one way there's a fee that you paid two hundred
twenty-five dollars when you listed
there's another way it's free I'll take to the tree
I'm gonna show you the freeway okay right now there is one
caveat when you list that the freeway it does go on the road Bay
I'll however it's only visible the people there
are within 200 miles from here months ago
you if you pay the 125 bucks goes across the whole world in every vacancy it but
for car that's
really gonna be used and driven and not
not a collector car honestly 200 miles is probably where buyers in a culture
anyway you know now I'm not gonna sell your truck yet cuz I know you know I ray
but I'll show ya go
66 Thunderbird and I'm I've been wanting the lists only go ahead and
mister now to go to motors now debate acecomm
and then click here on classified ads and then
click appearances post your free
here okay asked me what category that i won
sell my vehicle number look for for sale
and then we'll look for cars or automobiles
worries right here cars & vehicles
we're gonna put it in the classic cars and
the night 66 or
member and
he I'm are we want to get
six thousand bucks for I ever have done my description here soon
elected pasted
k'nex to let you but update
photos and all the photos are free as well well so this is kinda cool you here
Leah for for free you get your economy
arm one thing I noticed about leaving loners
they're not trying to gouge to the sellers like
regular e-bay yeah it's like the bastards stepchild
you be in a then she had a pretty fair policy
you know the even a really made the charger I mean higher
full full-blown auction it there 125 dollar feel of a car
but they don't charge any commission after just behind 25 bucks
if it does I'll that's fair that's not bad you know compared to other
10 percent at the judge in and everything else did
too many pictures dreams
most secure to do in one picture
who picked you now anybody's interested in this car
located right here in Chesterton Indiana om
266 Thunderbird and its only had a
to owners it had original owner and head the owners brother
when he died and now garofalo miles on it runs and drives real good
it's a classic look and the only piece for
these Armani the end yeah I know
he said II right
12 3 for say
record of great
so go ahead with so pictures room for dinner
store phone number sir
yen or
delivered 6,000
my picture army and is there an array
and click below
no on every page on Facebook or Twitter click here
Brock just eighty now like you said
the limitations limitations in this are
it only goes two hundred miles from musicals I put in just urgent or 630
for only people in the Chicagoland area around 200 miles
yeah can see a om nothing is to the area
yeah I mean for karla someone's gonna probably pick up this cars actually
classic car show it might be better to put on
will only be by Tom you know we can try it here first if we sell its great who
value Ohio to Chicago
yeah yeah we know are your truck when reagan put your truck
yes definitely be BG save her 25 bucks
against keeping them with white by Tom
yeah so that's one limitation the other limitation is you can't put it in our
chin format where people been on it yeah
you just put it in as a classified within the newspaper
me any questions on it here
doesn't question the price is right alright serve anybody wants a 66
Thunderbird or
if any way you want jack's was at 97%
yeah debtor II wanna keep them a picture he
I'll come on maybe maybe if price is right so may make an offer for Jax job
owned by celebrity have you or something yell
truck at a certain level each part 1 like it does is really nice to get
together and have a good
are using this all God I still do
all right jack thanks a lot man CEO anything
yeah W the Marinette I it to me
guarantee it uses yes net they're all dead
the really like that than ever
Description : so they're here her vehicle hardware look we're doing pretty well 37 we are learning more correct than ever you're never the rig...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
went John if you own a car sooner or later
you're going to have to sell a car and here to give us some pointers on that is
Kelsey Mays from cars dot com
Kelsey welcome to glasses garage thanks for having me on past alright
it's time to part ways with the old bus
how do we go about doing that without having problems
well pat the truth that is the prep your car for sale starts the day you buy it
if you ever gonna think about selling or even trading in that car need to make
sure you document everything you do with it in the meantime
okay so good records put it into a portfolio that looks impressive to a
yep and if it doesn't come with the owners manual about used make sure you
go down to the dealership
and ask them to or you want it'll be well worth money spent
okay so we've got that out of the way what's the next step
well before you place an ad for the car you're gonna want to clean it up to take
pictures of it
and that doesn't just mean put it through a car wash in want to clean it
with a fine-tooth comb
or pay some guys to do it professionally yeah pros can do a lot of things that
you would never even think about him
really make the car a standout exactly okay so now we've got a clean them
I all over things in mind what do we do next
well you're gonna want to take some pictures up an important thing taking
is that buyers really don't care about the three hundred dollar aftermarket
stereo you put in
even though you might so you're gonna take pictures at the doors the wheels
the bumpers
things that people really care about okay so make a generic am
make it appeal to the mass market not the newts market unless it's a totally
niche kar
absolutely alright so now we've got our photographs but where do we advertise it
well a good place to advertise either newspaper or online
at cars dot com for example you can put on pictures and
type in plenty of information about your car some people get a real good picture
what it is yeah but we need a price so how do we go about establishing
realistic price for pat you can look up blue book values online
and see how much others are selling your car in similar condition for right now
you have done the advertising u-verse tablished the price
now you've got people calling in you have to interact with those callers how
do you go about doing that
well the key is honesty yet to be very honest about why your sign the card what
sort of condition you really think it's n
if you're lucky if you don't wanna come down and take a look for themselves and
that poses another problem because
if they're really interested in it they're going to want a road test
yeah you want to make sure you don't let them take the car of themselves
you have to go on the road test with them otherwise that may be the last time
you see it
yeah but you know you're going to find some of these people that wanna give you
their driver's license or something like that for collateral in maths
just totally bogus hear about the only collateral you might accept them as
their husband or wife but even then
you never know for for affect it okay so
the road test it passes they want to buy the car
now we have to do paperwork and transact money
yeah you wanna make sure you get a certified check from them it's better
than a cashier's check or personal check both those can be stopped by the bank
and it's also better than a bag full of money which might mean they're up to no
a proper yes that's for sure so if you follow all the rules
you'll have a happy parting with the old car
and you'll get real money money that you can spend
not funny money exactly thank you so much
and if you have a question or comment right to me the address is motorWeek
Used Car Selling Tips
Description : went John if you own a car sooner or later you're going to have to sell a car and here to give us some pointers on that is Kelsey Mays f...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at How to sell your car
There are 3 options to sell your car: trade it in, sell it on AutoScout24 or put it up for auction.
Trading a car in is easy, but you'll get less than selling it yourself on AutoScout24.
Selling your car on AutoScout24
When selling your car, make sure it looks good.
It sells better when you fix small damages.
It'll support your story of a perfectly maintained car, because a small damage will seem weird.
If the MOT expires soon, have it renewed. That will make it easier to sell as well.
Describe the car in your ad as good as possible.
Start with make, model, edition. Add the model year of that's relevant information.
Some features make your car more special, such as leather upholstery in compact cars.
You can put that in the title as well.
Be honest. Describe small damages and disadvantages of the car.
Offer elaborate info. List all features like heated seats, a sunroof,
and things that are hard to spot.
Pictures are very important. That's why I asked car photographer Casper Heij to explain.
Taking good pictures of second-hand cars
There are some things to keep in mind when taking pictures.
I borrowed a nice example. I'll give you some basic tips for taking pictures of your car.
First, use a camera you know. I'm using a professional one, but you may not have one.
You can also use your smartphone or compact camera.
It doesn't really matter which camera you use, as long as the pictures are right.
If you use a smartphone, make sure you keep it steady.
It's agile and small. A compact has that problem less so, but it's still there.
Don't make the pictures perfect. Don't use Photoshop to make a poster.
People want to see honest pictures of the car.
The location is very important. Make sure you have a quiet background.
We've tried that here as well.
If there's a lot of things in the background, like a police car,
the attention will be drawn there. You don't want that.
Make sure the pictures are honest. If the car is damaged, say so in the ad
and show it in a picture. That'll prevent whining when people come look at the car
and want to pay 500 euros less because it's damaged.
When you've told them about it beforehand, they'll know the price includes the damage
and is not open to negotiation.
Make sure the car is clean. Take some cleaning products with you.
After you've washed it, dried it, and arrive at your location, a bird will shit on the car.
If you have the time, choose a day with some clouds, so there won't be too much sun on the car.
That may cause unwanted reflections. Slightly cloudy, pretty light.
I'll show you how I usually take pictures of a car.
First, take a lot of pictures of the second-hand car.
At least 10, that's the absolute minimum. Show the car from all angles.
Take your distance if possible. Zooming in will negate the wide-angle effect of the lens.
If there's things that make your car special, take a detail shot.
The red calipers on this Porsche 911, for example.
If you want a quiet background, you may have to turn it around
because you may be looking at a nice field while there are cars parked behind you.
If you take a picture of the rear of the car, you'll have all that junk in the background.
If you take pictures of the interior, get as much shade in there as possible.
Take pictures of all features and buttons so people can see what you have described in the ad.
If you say it has A/C, take a good picture of the A/C control unit on the dashboard.
That goes for everything in and on the car.
Finally, there are some things you really shouldn't do.
First, no distracting backgrounds.
Don't do this, with all these cars in the background.
Second, don't put the car half in the shade, because it looks very weird.
Third, don't put your car on the grass.
Selling your car on a BCA car auction
Selling your car on a BCA car auction is very simple.
The proces starts with an online valuation request.
First, you need to find your car on AutoScout24.
Copy paste the link of the ad in the first field of the form.
Give your contact information, license plate number and list damages if applicable.
Within 24 hours you'll get a free evaluation of your car and a guaranteed offer.
If you accept that offer, the offline proces starts.
For the sale you'll get your car to BCA in Barneveld.
BCA checks the papers, gets the keys, and does a test drive.
The test drive is done on their own testing grounds,
but they will also do a technical inspection on the car lift.
If they spot defects, they may change the offer.
If you accept the offer, the car will change owners and your car is sold.
The car will be put up on auction, but you (as a customer) won't have the be there.
We wanted to show you anyway, because it's fun to see how it works.
Hopefully you've learned how to put your car up for sale, and that you can auction it.
How you deal with people checking out your car, we'll explain in another video.
Thanks to Porsche Centrum Gelderland
Subs - Maru How to sell your car
Description : How to sell your car There are 3 options to sell your car: trade it in, sell it on AutoScout24 or put...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
How To Sell Your Own Car >
there are many ways to sell a vehicle that nearly a third are sold directly by
their owners every year
triple a_'s auto buying experts have five tents to successfully sell your own
first prepare your vehicle to be sold had a professionally detailed and remove
personal items including exterior stickers
have inspected by repair shop and ask for a detailed report
second determine an appropriate selling price be realistic about the cars
very few vehicles are excellent condition
third market your vehicle for sale
use social media and online websites select others know you're selling your
be sure to include contact information and post colorful interior and exterior
photos to support the vehicles description
be prepared to show prospective buyers the vehicle
me potential buyers in a public location and don't let them test drive the
vehicle alone
have detailed information available including a vehicle history report and
maintenance documents
finally secure payment before you transfer ownership create a bill of sale
that both parties consigned and have it notarized
completing the transaction at a bank is a good idea as it will allow you not
only to verify funds but also provide access to a notary selling a vehicle
yourself is a difficult
but it does take time and afro with the right information hell little work
beauty can make a sale
for thousands car How To Sell Your Own Car CA
Description : How To Sell Your Own Car > there are many ways to sell a vehicle that nearly a third are sold dire...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Selling Your Car >
so you need to sell your car if you part exchange it
then the deal needs to make a profit when he sells it on as do services that
by your car
so the best way to get full value for your car is usually
to said it privately selling it privately needn't be difficult for scary
it's just a question with your work shall I really first thing you need is a
clean com
now I am workshop I so Eric step 2:
is to place an advert with pictures if you're clean car explaining your reason
to selling
how much tax MOT left and highlighting the key features from the car
specifications such as
Bluetooth phone connection parking sensors
alloy wheels and so on price it between use car experts-- fair
and low prices depending on how quickly you want to sell it
and the process similar cars in your area and remember these two things
you have to be cheaper than a dealer the same car within 50 miles
and number two you need to build in some sort of discount to give the buyer
when the time comes put the adverts
in several places because we don't want to talk about here we want to get cash
in the bank you can find recommendations on where to advertise on safe cell
within three or four calls somebody would usually visit if that bothered to
they want a car like yours I can usually for the asking price
to the in a hundred pounds or so so as long as you can
honesty your advert your chances of selling a high just don't snatch defeat
from the jaws of victory
make sure the car is clean the end Perry and make sure you have the paperwork
in a neat bundle you need to be 5c
from the DVLA which is the log book and all the receipts you can find
I like I'm interested in your car are you look
just like my Valletta have no idea what you need
don't rush to buy a just let them fall in love with the call
heard you were had any other equine
oh yes
so was the visit later this week also
have a test route in mind before the prospective buyer arrives
you want to get a good feel for the car we don't get stuck in traffic
will be out too long after that the less you say the better
because the card should sell itself answer questions about the car honestly
but don't be green when it comes to negotiation
remember lost the person test ride in your car they have fully comprehensive
car insurance
but covers them to drive our cars his any doubt about that
make sure you take and danger on
accept cash but check it carefully or a bank check
also nine as a banker's draft and the new keeper slip
to the buyer and send the rest to the v5c
not put of the DVLA and that should be it
car sold
sometimes of course
they just don't seem to sell so what do you do then
as car buying service is mainly just put your car in an auction
why not cut out the middleman I
you can use something like British car auctions
private seller service sure sell now it doesn't matter which option you go to
BC airline have 21 sites it's a slightly I'm loving environment
everybody else seems to be experienced traders and the atmosphere is bustling
auction fees owned cheap either
because I have to clean and the car marketed to the train and make a profit
but if you put a reserve on your comment is more than the offer from a car buying
you can't lose and it will sell fast
essentially all you need to do school BCA's
sure sell team and follow their advice which in some ways to complete that form
hand over all the papers they need to market and sell the car
good morning like to use your him
and on the day it will sell in about 60 seconds
and ... Selling Your Car
Description : Selling Your Car > so you need to sell your car if you part exchange it then the deal needs to ma...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
How to fill out the back of a California Title When Buying or Selling a Vehicle > How to fill out the back of a California Title 'When Buying or Selling a Vehicle
although this is Greg from ill-equipped to load up gonna show you how to fill
out the back to California Title
so this is the back to the California Title on this upper portion is where the
new registered owner puts in their information they put their last
first and middle section 3a 3b is where if there's a second person is gonna be
registered on the car
is where they put their information if you check or
it means that either parties that there's two people who are registered on
the car
either one can sign off on the car and sell it they both don't have to sign off
either one can sell it but on 3p if you check out
and it means you have to have both people signatures
signed off in order to sell the car so that's very important K
for and section for their address or PO Box number five city
a6 if you want to have a PO box number
you have to give your address and then
you give the PO Box number so this is where you would put your address
on section for is where you put your PO Box number now we go down a section 9a
and 9b this is where
and 9a if it's only one person who acquires been registered and it's where
they sign
they put their California driver's license right there
the purchased a and the purchase price or it was a gift
they put that information right here there's a second person registered on
the car
they signed here put their driver's license number here
and they put the day so here is the new lienholder section
this is where if you're a bank or and your car dealer or your title company
if someone is making payments to you
you put your information right here this is the lienholder
this means that they're the legal owner on the car until you pay them off the
registered owner
once the registered owner to pace of the car the lienholder signs
on the front of this title releases interest in the vehicle so if there's
any money owed on a car financing
the legal owner which is the banker
whoever that you're gonna be making payments to fills out this portion right
the bottom portion down here lines 14 15 this is that history have any wholesale
activity that goes on on the vehicle
so say the car was sold at an auction from one car dealer to another all that
information is reported here
and if that car dealer sold the car to another car dealer
their put their information here so all the wholesale history
is here on the the bottom portion of the title
I hope you found this senatorial
hope you found this information beneficial to you
educational once again this is great from LA equipped I to load up on a fini
Title Loans
please visit ill-equipped title Otakon a fill-in
the internet form thank you very much have a great day
Description : > How to fill out the back of a California Title 'When Buying or Selling a Vehicle although th...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
INFO : Selling a Car on Craigslist The Truth >
hello are you the guy selling the car on Craigslist
yes I am shall we take a look at it
yes let's do that here she is
it was a good car that I have tried to maintain very well in the time I have
owned it
I am going to ask you a bunch of questions now about things I think are
important about cars so you do not realize I am a complete moron
proceed when was the last time you flush the wiper fluid
never the wiper fluid reservoir gets filled when it is empty
there are a few bright spots on the car I don't know if I can pay your asking
price with those on there
this is despite the fact that I saw detailed pictures at the car before I
showed up here
I am already asking $300 dollars below blue book value for the car and I have
exquisite maintenance records in shop manuals for the car
your assertion that tiny rust spots on the fenders matter with the dam is
fucking absurd
if you don't mind I will now walk around the car and look under the hood making
disapproving noises in an attempt to make you nervous about the condition of
your car
please go ahead you ignorant third I have thirty seven other people
interested in the vehicle behind you and I do not meet the deal with your dumb
ass if I don't want to
can I take it for a test drive yes
you can let's get inside lower
I don't like the sound those brakes are making there must be something wrong
with them
I do not hear a fucking thing it is becoming obvious that you are only
interested in this car as a means to attempt to feel power over someone else
during the sale
you fuck I will now entertain you with a brain melting reporting personal story
you will forget in 10 minutes
I feel the need to fill time during our test drive with this because I fear
silence as if it were the devil himself
take the car back to my driveway despite the on
only verbal beatdown I gave to you obviously well maintained car that is an
absolute fucking steer by any measure known to man
I am interested in buying it that is fantastic
give me the cash and we can do the title transfer right now
unfortunately I cannot pay you on till two weeks from this Friday when I get
paid and my girlfriend gets out of jail
also cash is out of the question and I will need to pay you via third-party
cashier's check or possibly via MoneyGram
in addition I will need to be driven to pick the car up by my disabled
brother-in-law who lives in midtown 75 miles away and may or may not answer the
phone when I call
but I am deeply interested in buying your car
so please said with your penis firmly in your hand for two weeks and wait for me
to get the money so I can buy it
obviously you are even more open more on the night for supposed
there are literally over two dozen people who have emailed me about this
I only gave you a chance to look at it because I wanted to sell it quickly and
you replied first
you are a horrible person for not bending to my every whim and bending
yourself to the schedule that is my worthless existence
I am only trying to get this car so I can transport my nine children to
daycare every day while I work at Arbys
hey if you buy the car right now I will even throw in a free spring up WD
40 on the brake pads holy penis want to scoop
Selling a Car on Craigslist - The Truth
Description : INFO : Selling a Car on Craigslist The Truth > hello are you the guy selling the car on Craigslist...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos
Tips How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else
here's a video to show how to correctly list your vehicle
or any I don't for that matter on Craigslist
I see so many at center just poorly put together
people sitting on cars for weeks or even months
or other items I've seen items real estate over over
simply because the person hasn't listed incorrectly
they haven't put in and that information they haven't
I'll taken quality photos
they were able to list large photos
possibly because they don't know how answers for the clue video
I'm so probably I don't know 25 to 30 vehicles in the past five years
on Craigslist I I'll buy them and I'll fix them up
I'll Drive on for you know a couple weeks or couple it's a little cell
I'll and I just wanted to pass along what I've
gained for experience doing this
and I hope leave help a few people that no
are struggling with that or you know this if they want to optimize it a
little better
excuse me was at a little cold cell
my saddle easily here we go I
weekly this okay
firstly you have to do is create an account with
Craigslist it's pretty simple he got my account here
on at the disco through the steps I would highly recommend getting
a dedicated email just for Craigslist
I'll to Gmail Yahoo or Hotmail whatever it may be
you can get in for free and it's just an extra security steps
I hate to say it but now ID's chris is shady place and I was outside of LA
and I rarely meet someone at my house
unless it's a vehicle or something larger something has to be tested
for electron device has to be plugged in I just
just things are not like they used to be even a few years ago
well so two things i would tell you to do is to get an email address
21 others free a email providers
and also actually I would
actually recommend gmail because through Gmail you can also get a %uh
Google Voice phone number where it will be connected to yourself harder
we'll get the text through that phone number it won't be here
year direct order see actually you can get texts online
through Google Voice you can test the battle at united to use your number
so all they're gonna see is this Google Voice number
be a different area code or whatever ok but thats I just started doing that and
it's great so that we nobody has my phone number it's just
I don't know it is I just don't like that I don't know what it is
little more cautious now a days the anyways
those are the two things get a gmail email address
get a Google Voice number okay next redistrict listed
are what we're gonna do
look for sale you choose your Road
cars and trucks player okay obvious is gonna work for anything yourself
furniture or laptop computer whatever
this is just I saw a lot of vehicles and I see a lot of vehicles that are
just poorly presented and don't get sold
her so what we're going to do is
you read the title you know whatever you call your cell
first mission period dearly loved
in the description describe it as well as you can
I mean the use a little
you can look up you know Craigslist HTML use paragraphs
use bold on its gonna
it's going to make it easier to read it people who read to
encourage people read the entire out as well I get that done this emails I came
to tell you
the most recent thing I saw I forget what it was but
the guy text me at 3:30 in the morning
I literally texted badly do use common sense here you can be
texting me at 3:30 in the morning is that make sense to anybody
I'll so put it there no text messages I don't like text messages but now that I
have Google Voice
I can live with it just a at
twenty-minute text composition could have been done in a minute
on the phone you know so I typically don't accept text messages are larger
items no you read your description
read it well read all that meat that's that's been done
%uh ray a you know
what money you put into it the condition up the exterior the interior
I'll get your vehicle detailed
it's like a 100 to 150 bucks it's a thousand other vehicle you may not want
to consider in his will or should free tickets for us but
if there's anything more than that that sells I'm telling you I've
every vehicle are so I had it professionally detailed on
yet probably do it myself but time i's
it's worth you drop by drop it off its really right around the corner
they have it for 4-5 hours a whole day thing so it's a lot of work
they do a great job and it's I just I was paying 150 a family place it's
comparable that does it for 100
I mean to her box and then you know your sauna
like this when I saw over 6500 a few years ago it's worth it
I'm you'll see the photos how much better it looks
that's really what's going so your vehicle's how well looks
so you know how large photos are that's gonna be a next step
how to post large photos are yeah
we're gonna wanna do is sign up with
Photobucket II he may I don't know %uh Flickr were sitting in those
I really like for about the boys used it it's always been solid have never had a
problem with it
you can't lock your here photos of summer click something they can access
your account
up and their it's very easy to use I mean you
click here to upload to you slipping from your computer
are and that's pretty much it
when you want to post them
we had to do this you discover over the photo click on the era when using the
HTML code
I'm ING would be exited reform
I'll if you wanna show saloons directly to
to click on that you use this one and if you email or I am somebody you use this
for for the time being reason HTML from Craigslist
know it uses he simply paced in community that
for you know your photos and I
can't reiterate this enough photos
will sell your vehicle up I mean
if it nothing else it people do not read your description
they're gonna see the photos and they're going to do exactly
if they're you know if they register now
so take good photos
also if you don't have a decent camera or somebody else's camera
its I mean it sells it
it you know it's I I had a DSLR
and it works all these photos here take my DSLR
I ended up selling it is because I hate lugging that thing around I gotta
compact point shoot that
takes good photos you don't have the best
you know if you don't have one you can get one for 150 to 200 bucks that will
still take these
decent photos %uh so so do that
take take good quality photos that's gonna really so you're right
another thing is use keywords
okay you use I similar years
the vehicle you sell so you know similar years to this BMW
would be you know mid to late 90's
up to you know 2000 to 2003
tony is every every date
and and key word in the book i've seen so that's where it's
you know literally 2000 different words that's insane but
girl use vehicles that are similar so when someone searches for that vehicle
I'll they're gonna find it I
actually saw another BMW like a year year and a half ago
and I was actually looking for Mercedes he came upon mine
and he was blown away could use it was pretty much exactly what I was looking
for but he had no idea BMW sold it
you know the five fwy a lot stuff so you soaked so that's gonna get you a lot
more audience
a lot larger audience I should say home
so let's who we have here okay
to leslie has to look like you can also in photobucket
you can't how know exactly where it is I have to find it
on I think it's with your account you can change the size the photos
you upload with well
typically I think mines at like you have here by six hundred have
if I'm selling a car don't get top dollar on go to 1024 by 768
it's gonna be a large photo I'll
probably have to hear in here it's worth it though
people can the let me put it this way the better photos you take
the larger photos you show the less tire kickers you gonna get
because you're going to get tactic is your gonna get people
testing US is the vehicle still available you gonna text back yesterday
never gonna hear from began its insane that's for one reason that's
one reason I don't you I don't like text messages because you get that done his
if you're serious about this cargo call okay someone that's not very serious
most likely is it in a text
unless they're at work for this summer that they can't call they're excited
they wanna
get a hold of the right to I'll take as long and as you can see this
I took really good for us this vehicle I got top dollar for this car
I bought it preachy I was planning on keeping it actually a lot I kept it for
probably six months
ended up selling it for quite a bit more than I bought it for a bit
the photos are gonna sell the
the vehicle I'll closer to sell your furniture that follows a
no not necessarily mean your computer but they're gonna help people wanna see
what they're buying
I mean people are visual so keep that in mind
on that's pretty much it like I i mean
you don't need to make it very complicated just
describe your items as well as you can take good photos
and you know you gonna get many
are very few tacklers include your phone number but include
the Google Voice phone number is when I highly recommend it I just don't like
having my real phone number out there not easily he said
that's pretty much it if you have any questions or comments or anything let me
know I'd be happy to help you
at take your good looks on
How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else on Craigslist using Large Photos
Description : Tips How to Correctly List Your Car, Truck or Anything Else here's a video to show how to correct...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info : How to Sell a Junk Car in California
hi my name is Daniel Baldwin and I'm the general manager from Kurt's of hurricane
in American Fork Utah
and today we're giving you information on selling a junk car in Victorville
now the best thing you can do for smallest empty all your personal items
out of the vehicle or anything you wanna keep
and take the license plates of
now next see you want to find a business to sell these two
and what you can do is go into the phone book or go online
to like a Google search and you can search for
recycling centers or scrap yards Orpik parts like the one we have here
and you can call those businesses and
get the best price you can get and go in with your title
not filled out and with we like to help the
at the time you come in to fill out the title so that they're correct
and then we can buy your vehicle's also
if your car's inoperable or you just don't want to drive it in
we do offer tolling so that you can come in
after we told the car and we help you fill out the paperwork again and then we
can't buy that car from your
How to Sell a Junk Car in Victorville, California

Description : Info : How to Sell a Junk Car in California hi my name is Daniel Baldwin and I'm the general manager from Kurt's of hurricane in Am...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
info : Selling the car in California
park to bring the car while and I said fielder
ice if you look look look look people watching this
unseeded bring the column joint
you know so we like to thing down
and then all the sudden this guy said to me all I know is what happened to you
you could stay in a motel to remember he put us up that data and
your her own movie being that the is
the your car yes I remain I get it ready Kesling all over this hospital
back at are you smarter bigots one-year-old
look at the entire you know everybody was it can either so
and so the guy came and Dan 2 o'clock in the morning is
like doing this help she okay
and we will negotiating the car to change the price by $10 dollars
she I think it would have the money with interment the exact money but let's see
games than he was five hundred dollars for the car she came in she said
we we consider it how will be 500 candles
we both completed ten dollars you think I i
even then I would say I was gonna and then we took the car
into ok californian traded for the foot feeling
you know she's from yes he's got you look great because you pushed
call up and he said the guys gonna be really uncomfortable
and you watch the car salesmen east let's take that CS min cassius
over six foot we push the seat Lohia put blocks behind c-
so disney's would be up to his face in this is gonna be so uncomfortable drive
two blocks
will bring the car back you remember no ok
well I'm it's clear I am i shouldn't be I see him as the stores
no I'm not telling tells a story a lot to three months
Danielle my grandparent my I don't count I don't doubt it's the truth but to me
it sounds like he's making this up
now I am yeah pant when you know it's been there was great to help with Julie
were born salesman
knows what the force you to know that got you into selling cost
trip-hop for it I telling us
because you realize you had it elsa for so basically
this trip maybe when I am tonight yeah
you know I learn life skills this year I hone my skills
150 was burned the car 40 I
you said we bring the call we could say the insured southern got talent but I
didn't think I was
pour gasoline you did to get politically
3 p.m. I never to house them or anything else
and then believed you we were going to should read a book
you know why your memories and my memories from two different numbers we
should write a book
men have a guy rescue believe in the people we were gonna call
people to tell told the CAW and as soon as it got into
phone booth I was I put it I was ready to put a quarter
Canadian phone rang and I can do it this is a public phone
come it's raining and then somebody came list talked on the phone and just
them this guy came over to since it this in albiric of
and took a step like
number and she's could not remember that was so freaky
and the guy had forced in here lease
hear all these patches all over his jacket in Jakarta want the core
radio least he stands alone ok brightly
we look down with this moment she's it's something she remembers
Selling the car in California.

Description : info : Selling the car in California park to bring the car while and I said fielder ice if you look look look look people watching this un...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Tips how to sell a car in california no one likes selling the car and feeling like you got taken
consider these details to be sure that you're in the driver's seat you will
a computer with internet access a power washer
a backing car lacked paperwork
advertising options discern trust
negotiation skills and a title optional
a detail shop step
1: know what the market will bear
your car when you put up for sale by owner privately handling the deal to
make the most money
do your research online making comparisons to set your expectations
step 2 clean the inside of the car power wash the engine in detail by included
the wax job
happen in complete working order so no questions or doubts stalled negotiations
you can hear good detail shot to do the whole thing
step 3: price the car so it sells
ask for more than you'll accept and maintain enough room to make a decent
profit without chasing people away with an unrealistic number
be ready to let it be possible buyers walk away step or
gather the car's title police in emissions certification
registration and receipts from what you've had gone and then identify
whatever really supplied information you need from your state's motor vehicle
department step by
advertising car classified online or in your local paper
be pliers on store bulletin boards and put a sign in the car's window when it
prefer the price says asking price foreclose the age limit haggled by using
the word
for step 6: screen callers
term the series parties even if you're just going on intuition nervous and want
to keep it all business
need them away from home perhaps in a parking lot remember that the fires
trust in you is important
be yourself and I'll rush them or appears need your desperate
be willing to answer questions
step 7: but the prospective buyers drive the car
if they show you their driver's license
most cases you can right along with them but if you don't treat us to let them go
on their own
it might make me feel more attracted to him
step 8
negotiate a price by explaining the quality or getting and the fairness up
your offer
make them work for their price improved why it should be left
and other buyers have been looking at the car say so keep the pressure on
step 9
sino title either at the bank the Motor Vehicles office
she'll have to do a buyer needs a temporary operating permit based on the
bill of sale
berman writing on the bill of sale but this is the full and final
the then take the money and run formed by another car
no in 2008 more than 36 million used cars muscle
almost three times new car seat
How to Sell a Car in California

Description : Tips how to sell a car in california no one likes selling the car and feeling like you got taken consider these details to be sure that you...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at